A Coincidental Engagement is the next short film by Restless Chimp Films, currently in pre-production and scheduled to film over three days between April and June 2023.
A supernatural short set in an alternate reality, it tells the story of Jack and Maddy who, after years of dealing with the dead, discover there relationship is one foot in the grave.
Writer and Producer Kal Sabir, who will also be acting in and directing the film, will be working with Associate Producer Martin Smith of Blackdust Films, along with the core production team from Inner Devils including Director of Photography Michael Westcott.
Set completely outdoors in the Scottish woodlands, an ideal location has been earmarked. The main challenge will be lighting the night scenes on a low-to-no budget – being out in the middle of nowhere the location is normally pitch black.
Watch this space, or follow our social media links, for further updates.