Kal Sabir

NTS Short Film

Company Director Kal Sabir has been awarded a short film commission by the National Theatre of Scotland (NTS) to write and direct Kinaara (Edge).

A solely NTS production, the film tells the story of Adil, a carer to his elderly mother who has dementia.

“I’m immensely grateful to the National Theatre of Scotland for commissioning my short film. There is no word for dementia in South Asian languages, understanding of what it is and how it impacts a person, including their carers, is lacking.

Unpaid carers face monumental challenges, isolation and depression. In South Asian culture, family members are expected to quietly get on with it, to comply with the duty to look after their elderly parents and not abandon them.

Hopefully, my film will help raise awareness of dementia in South Asian communities and the plight of the unpaid carer.”

– Kal Sabir, writer and director of Kinaara (Edge)

Learn more about the NTS commission